Monday, September 15, 2008

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

I flew through Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, on my way from Indonesia to Vietnam.  Due to flight schedules, I spent the night and wished I had more time.  The city is amazing.  Very modern and progressive with a great public transportation system.  I treated myself to the finer things in traveling: a steak dinner with wine, a nice hotel including consistently hot water with pressure, crisp, clean sheets, a bath tub, and  no bugs.  It was like being on vacation!

Petronas Towers, shown to the left, used to be the tallest buildings in the world until Taipei 101 was built.  It is stunning by day and absolutely breathless lighting up the sky at night.  Unfortunately, I could not get to the 41st story view bridge the day I was there, but I spent a fair amount of time admiring the exterior.  What an architectural beauty with magnificent massing and detailing.  And, as with most modern Asian high-rise building, top of the line shopping on the bottom 5 floors.  

I hope to make it back to KL on another trip through Malaysia and spend some more time there.

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