Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Learning Spanish

I've had about 30 hours of Spanish instruction and am certain I should know a lot more than I do.  For example, when I talk to locals on the street I can get my point across to them, but when they start talking it's like I am back in Asia.  I completely glaze over because I have no idea what they are saying.  I'd even go so far as to say the language I have spent hours studying is barely recognizable when spoken to me on the street.  I can understand my teacher, but she's the only one.  She speaks slow and with intention.  I don't understand the TV, can't read the papers, and can't understand a word unless it's America, Nicaragua or barato (which means cheap).  Last night I was part of a debate over whether there are 6 or 7 continents (I know this because an English speaking friend told me).   My only contribution to this debate was to shake my head and say siete whenever I heard seis, and I was passionate about my position.  Come to find out, we were both right. Nicaraguans, as well as many Europeans, are taught that the Americas are one continent and therefore a total of 6. 
I am waiting for my Spanish breakthrough.  It's possible I am going to scrap Spanish school and start spending time in the bars.  There are two reasons this approach may offer more success: (a) the bartenders and waiters speak mostly Spanish and (b) I can say, with confidence, I am better after a few drinks.  I considered finding a Nicaraguan chico to help me, and then I learned that many of the local men think that western women should PAY for their company.  Honestly, what is that all about?

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