Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Heading home

I am in the Taipei airport, heading home.  I am on hour 9 of 28 and my first of two 4-hour layovers.  I have resorted to senseless blogs in an attempt to kill time.  Appropriate for the final journey.  
Taipei is where I first discovered the automated floor urinal.   On this visit, I discovered each toilet is equipped with an emergency button.  If you push one, say for 2-3 seconds, nothing happens.  Strange.
I have a 4-hour layover in Taiwan and have explored all areas of the airport.  I offered to pay the golf cart guy $5 to take me sight-seeing, but he said no, so I went by foot.  Points of interest include free massage chairs, a museum of Natural History that sells the items on display, and an entire boarding area devoted to Hello Kitty and filled with travelers taking photos.  The departing flight goes to Hong Kong.

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