Monday, November 24, 2008

Surfing Continued

My instructor failed to show up for my third surf lesson, but I am pleased to say I am able to consistently surf the white water. I still need a little shove to catch a big wave as my paddlers are a bit weak after 3 months of doing nothing with them, but there has been a lot of progress made.
As I was leaving Bali for Lembongan island, I ran into a great sight: 3 Japanese couples all wearing matching outfits. Each couple had a unique outfit so everyone could tell who was together. Not your run of the mill semi-matching t-shirts or matching colors, I am talking about his and hers matching flower-print board shorts and matching Bali tourist t-shirts. I wanted desperately to say "you guys are so cute, can I take a photo," but I was certain I could not do it with a straight face. Honestly, who does that? But it is great entertainment.
To get back to my Bali departure, I am going to continue my quest to perfect my surfing skills as I move on. I feel barrels coming on.
Lembongan is a laid-back, quiet and beautiful island off the southeastern coast of Bali. I am going diving tomorrow, and can't wait.

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