Thursday, August 28, 2008


Years ago when I was in Fiji, as part of semester at sea, I had a run in with some geckos.  To say there were 6-10 on the ceiling and walls of our bungalow is not an exaggeration.  I had recently learned that everyone eats an average of 7 spiders per year, most of which crawl into their mouth when they are sleeping.  The combination of those two things was a disaster.  I almost pitched a tent in the bungalow as I was certain that if I fell asleep one of those suckers would find its way into my mouth and I would choke.  And what could be worse than waking up in the middle of the night chocking on a gecko?  Not much.  Fortunately, I was with friends and we drank until we fell asleep, in the same bed, with me in the middle for protection.
I just had a small lizard fall from the ceiling on to my bed and am having flashbacks.  What makes this situation worse is that this lizard was (before I sadly smashed it with my flip flop) only about an inch long which makes it far more likely that I will not feel one of his buddies crawl across my face and into my mouth.  On a positive note, it also makes is less likely that I will choke on it (the geckos in Fiji were at least 3 inches from head to tail, perfect choking size).  Let's hope the last 12 years have given me the ability to get past it on my own and without large quantities of alcohol.
Please feel free to comment on the ridiculous nature of this train of thought.  I am in desperate need of ridicule to convince me that I will not spend the next few nights eating my annual share of reptiles.  

1 comment:

While you were gone said...

OH MY GOD!!!! Get home now!!!! That is the scariest thing I've ever heard!!!! YUCH... Chris